Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More Seussy Stuff & a SALE!

Hey everyone! This is a biggie...a sale that comes around once every 4 years....a LEAP YEAR SALE! Everything in my TpT shop will be on sale February 29th and...{here's the great part!}...TpT will be offering an additional 10% off! Now that's somethin' to leap over! All you have to do is load up your shopping cart starting at midnight February 29th & remember to use the PROMO CODE L2P9Y at checkout. It's that easy! Oh, I can't wait to get my shop on! I will admit, I have a few items OODLES of stuff on my wishlist!  Don't waste any time though, because this super sale is for 1 day only! {Eww..I kinda sound like a used car salesman! Ha ha}

Now for some more of the "Seussy Stuff"...

Aren't these just the most cutie-patootiest things you've ever seen? I found them on Pinterest {Oh love LOVE Pinterest!} & I'm making them tonight! It's a little extra treat for my kiddos on Green Eggs & Ham day this week. Some of them aren't so thrilled when I whip out the real green eggs for them to taste! To celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday on Friday, all the kids will get to decorate their own cupcake during lunch time. They just love this..many end up with more sprinkles than cupcake! lol I've also made up a lil "Seussy Snack Mix" for Friday...here it is!

If you would like a copy of this-click HERE! Yum! Ok, I'm going to make a pot of coffee now so I can be awake at midnight & ready to get my shop on!!! Are you with me??? Woo Hoo!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jennifer! I'm always looking for an excuse to have a lil snack!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! The snack mix sounds so yummy!

  3. Thanks for sharing the snack!! I know other teachers have made actual green eggs and ham but I am not a cook... haha! The pretzels ones will be so cute!!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. I love that you incorporated Seuss books with the snack mix!

  5. Am I able to purchase to the Seussy Snacks?
