Oh yeah! I LOVE the sound of a SALE!!! I confess, on Thanksgiving Day I secretly can't wait to finish up the dishes so I can sit down, browse all those black Friday sale flyers and plan my ATTACK! lol Just kidding about the attack thing, but I really do get some sort of crazy thrill with that whole black Friday sale madness. And I really had quite a method to the madness figured out UNTIL this year! What's up with starting these sales at midnight??? That just messed up my entire plan...oh WOWSIE did we ever experience some sCaRy shopping!!! I'll just say, better have on your game face when you enter WalMart at midnight! Wow! We decided to abort our mission and nap for a couple of hours then returned at 2am to an empty store-it was awesome--and, yep! I got the "Black Friday Treasures" that I set out for! Now, for the next big sale...I've already added oodles of goodies to my TpT & Teachers Notebook wishlist so I'm ready for CYBER MONDAY! Jingle, jingle, jingle!!! Let those SALE BELLS ring! EvErYtHiNg in my
Teachers Pay Teachers and
Teachers Notebook shops will be on sale Saturday thru Monday! {On Monday Teachers Pay Teachers is also offering an extra Cyber Monday sale...just enter the code CMS28 at check out and receive an extra 10% off!}
Mix & Match patterns for a super-cute holiday writing display! |
Check out these cutie-patootie elves!!! My kiddos had a great time making these and now these super-writers are ready to display their letters to Santa!
I also want to give a super big THANK YOU shout-out to Staci over at
Going Nutty in First Grade! for sending me the Sunshine Award! You are awesome! Be sure to head on over and check out her blog!
Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving break! {Hope you're having some good luck finding your "Weekend Sale Treasures"!}